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A series of standalone sweet fairy tale romances

This continuing series will feature lighthearted retellings with a diverse cast of characters (variety in skin color, body types, and disabilities).


They can be enjoyed in any order!

The Hatanii Bride

Talia Mehaven is ready and excited to participate in the hatanii ceremony—an arranged marriage process designed to match you with your soulmate.


Out of all the available men in her kingdom, Carner Davaio is the last man she expected to be matched with.


And the last one she would agree to wed.
*This is a novelette loosely inspired by the Polish fairy tale The Unlooked-for Prince.

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Special Edition & Large Print Now Available!

Bonus Scenes!

Available in ebook & paperback

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Exclusively available through the author's newsletter!

The Dream Trials

Maribel is like every other maiden in her kingdom, and like the others, she’s fallen under a spell.


After she’s caught in an enchanted rainstorm, her dreams become vivid, and she spends hours each night taking on new tasks, each imparting her with a painful reminder in the morning.


While she thrives on the challenges, she fears her fate, unsure of the purpose and origin of these unreal dreams.


Are they an ill omen? A magical attack by an enemy of the kingdom? Or are they preparing her for something beyond what she's ever dreamed of?
*This is a novelette retelling of the Dutch fairy tale The Princess and the Pea.

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Special Edition & Large Print Now Available!

Bonus Scenes!

Available in ebook & paperback

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Exclusively available through the author's newsletter!

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If you'd like more fairy tales, an abridged version of The Dream Trials is found in this collection of short stories alongside several more retellings by other authors!


*I don't earn royalties for the sale of this book, but this affiliate link provides me with a small portion of the sale.

The Femme Fairytales Anthology!

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